Peter Wenn is a Chartered Professional Engineer and a Fellow of the Institution of Engineers Australia. Peter has extensive experience in the industry, both locally and overseas, and is widely respected as the premier engineer in the country when dealing with elevating work platform. Peter also has extensive involvement with Australian Standard committees and has been recognised by Standards Australia with the presentation of a Meritorious Contribution Award in 2008.
Institution of Engineers Australia
Corporate member of the Institution of Engineers Australia and member of the College of Mechanical Engineers; Peter Wenn is also registered on NPER.
Registry of Professional Engineers Queensland (R.P.E.Q.)
Australian Standards:
Chairman - Standards Australia committee ME005 – Cranes
Member - Standards Australia committee ME005-1 – Cranes general requirements.
Chairman - Standards Australia sub-committee ME005-10 concerned with the preparation of the Australian Standard AS1418.10 SAA Crane Code - Elevating Work Platforms and AS2550.10 Cranes – Safe Use Elevating Work Platforms.
Member - Standards Australia Sub-Committee ME005-22 (AS1418.19/AS2550.19 Telescopic Handlers).
Standards Australia nominated representative: ISO TC214.
Telehandler Association – Committee Member
Elevating work platform Association:
Board Member & Technical Director: - Elevating Work Platform Association (EWPA)