Elevating Work Platform Association

The EWPA (Elevating Work Platform Association of Australia Incorporated) is the peak representative body of this specialised industry.
EWPA members include rental companies, manufacturers, suppliers, end-users, trainers and specialised support and service companies that cover the full spectrum of this industry

Hire & Rental Industry Association Ltd.

The Hire and Rental Industry Association Ltd is the key national industry body representing the hire and rental industry in Australia.
The Association brings members a diverse array of benefit services at both national and state levels. Members include Rental Companies, Suppliers and Service Providers with rental members ranging from national multi-location companies to the more traditional Owner-Manager single location.

Telescopic Handler Association of Australia

The TSHA (Telescopic Handler Association of Australia Incorporated) has been formed to represent this specialised industry and to act as the representative body. It is made up of manufacturers, rental fleet companies, service suppliers, end users, trainers and all involved in this industry

Crane Industry Council of Australia

The Crane Industry Council of Australia (CICA) is the national peak body for the crane industry. CICA was formed in 1980 with the objective of providing one voice on matters of mutual concern to the Australian crane industry. CICA provides the opportunity for owners, marketers and end users to come together through conferences, seminars, meetings and united efforts to represent and progress the industry nationally.

Institute of Engineers Australia

Engineers Australia is the national forum for the advancement of engineering and the professional development of its members. Engineers Australia administers three National Engineering Registers on advice from a board established to ensure the registers operate with integrity and in the public interest.

National Engineering Registration Board

All registered engineering practitioners observe a common Code of Ethics, undertake to accept responsibility for outcomes only within their area of competence and specifically commit to keeping up-to-date through continuing professional development to support their engagement in delivering engineering services. They deliver engineering outcomes that minimise adverse social, economic and environmental consequences, with due regard for the safety, health and welfare of the community.

The National Professional Engineers Register (NPER), launched in 1994, has gained support from many sectors of industry and government and is often referred to when expertise in an area of practice is needed, or when certification of compliance is required.

Publicly available information about individual practitioners, based on their geographic location and NPER areas of practice, can be obtained from the online search facility rpsearch.

The National Professional Engineers Register (NPER) and the National Engineering Technologists Register (NETR) and the National Engineering Associates Register (NEAR) are administered to safeguard the community at no cost to government.